Classic & Vintage Cars
1. Annual Inspection – this is a thorough and comprehensive look over your car, particularly suitable for vehicles of low annual mileage or which are in storage. Areas which we inspect are:
- Bodywork
- Interior
- Electrical/lighting system
- Fluid levels
- Windscreen/wipers/glass
- Engine bay
- Suspension
- Braking system
- Wheels and tyres
- Drive train
- Road test (customer authorisation required)
We will provide you with a summary report listing our observations, recommended works and advisories.
From £250 +VAT.
2. Standard Service – includes all the above + the following:
- Engine oil and filter renewal
- Suspension points lubricated/greased as required
From £365 + parts & consumables + VAT.
3. Major service – includes all the above + the following major additions:
- Spark plug inspection/renewal
- Contact breaker points/condenser – inspect/adjust/clean/renew as necessary
- Gearbox oil renewal
- Final drive oil renewal
- Air filter(s) clean/renew
- Fuel filter/lines clean/renew
- Fan belt inspect/tension/renew if required
- Brake fluid renewal (if required, every 2 years)
- Valve clearances check/adjust
- Braking system – removal of brake drums/brake shoe/cylinders clean and inspect – removal of brake caliper/brake pads/clean and inspect
- Emission test/adjust
- Full spanner check
From £895 + parts & consumables + VAT.
All services include a full report and advisory notes on any extra work required, and/or issues found. Any such additional works will be estimated and can be carried out immediately, or alternatively rebooked at a later date.

Modern Cars
2. Major service – from £250 + VAT (prices may vary according to vehicle. Please enquire).
- Check steering for pull / vibration / travel
- Check clutch for slip / judder
- Check brakes for pull / judder
- Check exterior lights operation
- Check seat belts (excluding any child seats if fitted and report)
- Check wipers condition and operation
- Check front washer operation, adjust washer jets if required and top up
- Check rear washer and wiper for condition and operation
- Check condition and tension of fan / aux. belt where visible
- Check instrument panel for warning lights and report
- Check / top up power steering reservoir (if applicable)
- Check and report Wheel Alignment or Geometry
- Check steering gaiters, joints and dust covers
- Check prop shaft, suspension joints and grease nipples where fitted
- Check wheel bearings for excessive play or noise
- Check inner and outer driveshaft gaiters
- Check tyres size, condition, tread depth, and fitment including spare
- Check clutch operation and top up fluid if applicable
- Check shock absorbers and spring condition (where visible)
- Check all road wheels for correct balance (including spare)
- Check and adjust tyre pressures (including spare)
- Check condition of brake pads and shoes
- Check condition of brake discs and drums
- Check condition of wheel cylinders, calipers and adjusters
- Check handbrake linkages
- Check exhaust system
- Check any items reported by customer
- Replace engine oil and engine oil filter
- Replace air filter
- Check coolant level and top up if required
- Check brake fluid level and top up if required
- Check anti-freeze strength MIN -20
- Check battery condition and grease terminals if accessible
- Lubricate accessible door hinges
- Lubricate bonnet catch
- Check for timing belt replacement interval and report if due according to mileage or age
- Check for Pollen Filter replacement interval and report if due according to mileage or age
- Report if Spark Plugs are due to be changed according to mileage or age
- Reset vehicle service light where applicable / subject to data and tooling availability
- Road test